Insider Club

MANAGE YOUR INSIDER CLUB MEMBERSHIP: You can edit, pause or cancel your membership here.

WHY THE INSIDER CLUB? Our best customers asked how they can get their favorite caramels delivered automatically on a monthly basis. We answered with the INSIDER CLUB as an opportunity to receive routine shipments monthly and have access to exclusive perks and offers all from the comfort of home.

15% OFF + FREE SHIPPING, ALWAYS! We don't always offer 15% off + free shipping for one time purchases, which is why you should become and INSIDER CLUB member. You always get FREE SHIPPING!

FREQUENCY OF SHIPMENTS: The INSIDER CLUB has three separate frequencies available and each of them provides the flexibility of choosing your caramel flavor and bag weight.

  • Bi-Monthly  You'll receive the caramel flavors and bag weight of your choice every two weeks.
  • Monthly You'll receive the caramel flavors and bag weight of your choice every month.
  • Every Other Month You'll receive the caramel flavors and bag weight of your choice every other month.
PERKS: In addition to your caramel deliveries, you will receive discounts, insider news, etc + you'll always receive free shipping.
SHIPPING: Shipping is included for FREE on each of your INSIDER CLUB shipments. Your initial INSIDER CLUB shipment will be shipped to you within 3-5 business days of your order. Thereafter, each of your shipments will be prepared and sent based on your chosen frequency.

BILLING SCHEDULE: You will automatically be charged once your shipment is prepared and shipped. The charge will be based on your chosen frequency, as with the initial shipment, shipping is free. Upon shipment, your card will be charged and you will receive a shipment notification as well as tracking information so you can keep tabs on your order.